Earn $5 for each Referral!

Qualifying Terms for The $5 Bonus

Both the active member and the referred member will receive $5 upon succesful signup. However, we will review the account holders required conditions before any payout has been made.

As we clearly need your participation to grow, we do not make exceptions for dishonest practices.


Here are our standards for payment of user referral sign-ups.

  1. Member must have a completed profile, and at least 3 items posted for sale.
  2. Referred member must have a complete profile and give the referrer at least one review.
  3. Referred member must have at lease items listed on our marketplace.
  4. We will pay user in Bitcoin once requested and only once 20 referrals have been met.


There is never anything to buy, and we may change these rules at will. We also reserve the right to cancel any member for spam or fraudulent practices.

Thank you for your understanding!

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